Engineering FAQS


 Streets & Sidewalks

What is the maximum width a driveway can be?  A maximum driveway width is 20-feet for residential homes unless a wider width is approved by the Public Safety Committee.

What is the standard street right-of-way width?  The standard street right-of-way width is 66-feet, however, the City does have some that are wider or narrower than 66-feet.

What is the width of a standard sidewalk?  Standard sidewalk widths are 5-feet wide, however, there are a few areas that have 4-foot wide sidewalks.


Who do I call for a streetlight problem?  The City of Baraboo does not maintain the streetlights. If you have a streetlight that is out, stays on all the time or goes on and off call Alliant Energy at 1-800-862-6261.  You may also call 355-2730 or 355-2735 and report the problem and the City will call Alliant for you.

Who do I call for problems with the historic lighting in the downtown area?  If you notice any problems with the historic downtown lighting, please call 355-2735 to report the problem.

 Stormwater Utility

Residential Property
All residential property will pay a stormwater fee of $49.24 / year on their Water Utility bill.  Multifamily housing will pay $32.99 / year (67%) for each dwelling unit.

Non-residential Property
Non-residential (commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental) property will pay a stormwater fee of $49.24/ year per ERU (Equivalent Runoff Unit).  An ERU is equivalent to 2379 sq ft.  The City Engineer will determine the number of ERU's on each individual property.

See the Stormwater page for more information.

For information on how your leaves and yard waste can be used for your benefit and the reasons why NOT to place them in the street click here.