Administration FAQS


 Ordinance Violations

A construction site near my residence is operating and causing a considerable noise disturbance until midnight. Does the City have an ordinance precluding this type of disturbance?
Yes. The City of Baraboo does have a noise ordinance that prohibits unreasonably loud noise that tends to cause or provoke a disturbance. The City Ordinance Code (Section 9.06) provides that no person shall do construction that causes unreasonably loud noise between the hours of 10P.M. and 6:30A.M. If you encounter such a problem, contact the Baraboo Police Department at 355-2720.

I received a citation for speeding (or another city ordinance violation) within the City of Baraboo. What do I do if I wish to contest the ticket?
The back of your citation explains the options available to you. If you wish to talk with the City Attorney regarding the citation, you must first enter a not guilty plea. This can be done in one of three ways: (1) by appearing in court on your initial appearance date and entering a not guilty plea; (2) by obtaining and completing a form available from the Clerk of Court's office (515 Oak Street, Baraboo, WI 53913); or (3) by addressing a letter to the Clerk of Court (515 Oak Street, Baraboo, WI 53913) asking that a not guilty plea be entered for you. If you choose Option 2 or 3, you need not appear in court for your initial appearance. A pre-trial conference will then be set where you or your attorney will meet with the City Attorney to discuss your case. At the conclusion of your pre-trial, your case will be resolved by mutual agreement or set for trial.

 What are the City ordinance requirements for alternate side parking?
The City of Baraboo has an odd/even parking ordinance that is in effect from OCTOBER 1st to APRIL 15th. It is only in effect between the hours of MIDNIGHT and 3:00PM. During that time you must be parked on the odd side of the street on odd-numbered days, which, at 12:01A.M. bears an odd calendar date, or on the even side of the street on even numbered days which, at 12:01A.M. bears an even calendar date.

 Personal Business Issues

How do I get a restraining order?
Contact the Clerk of Courts at 608-355-3287, Monday through Friday, during business hours.

The City Attorney's office does not provide free legal service. The City Attorney's Office handles only matters in which the City is involved, not private citizen matters. 
For actions involving $10,000 or less, you can obtain a judgment through the Small Claims Court in the Sauk County Clerk of Courts Office, at 510 Broadway St. Baraboo.

I'm a resident of Baraboo and I'd like some legal advice. May I speak to the City Attorney?
The City Attorney's Office does not provide legal advice on private matters. The City Attorney represents the City's interests in all City of Baraboo related issues, including the prosecution of all cases involving violations of City ordinances. Please contact a private attorney or contact the State Bar's Legal Referral and Information Service at 1-800-362-9082 or

I've been charged with a crime (eg. theft, vandalism, bad checks). Can the City Attorney help with this?  No. 
The City Attorney's office does not handle any criminal matters. You should contact the Sauk County District Attorney's Office at 608-355-3280 or the Clerk of Court's Office at 608-355-3287.

Will the Baraboo Police Department remove the keys that I just locked in my car?
If your car has power locks, the answer is no. In that case, you should contact a professional locksmith or service garage to assist. If an emergency exists (eg. child inside the car), the Police Department will attempt entry.

I want to check the owner of vehicle license plates or check the validity of a driver's license. Who do I call?
State Statutes prohibit the Police Department from giving that information out to anyone other than for enforcement purposes. You may contact the Department of Transportation at (608) 266-3666.

I have sustained an injury occurring as a result of something I believe the City is liable for. What do I do?
After addressing your injury medically, you should contact the City Clerk at (608) 355-2700 x 311 to make a formal record of the occurrence. The Clerk's Office will provide you with any additional information that is needed.

 Land Issues

Who do I contact if I'm interested in buying some City of Baraboo property?
Contact Tom Pinion, City Engineer at (608) 355-2700, 101 South Blvd., Baraboo, WI 53913.

Who do I contact if I'm interest in buying some property that is not in the City of Baraboo, but is in Sauk County?
You may wish to contact either the Town where the land is located or contact the Sauk County Development Corporation (608) 355-2084.

 Miscellaneous Issues

How do I get in touch with the Mayor of Baraboo?
The Mayoral position is a part-time position. Current Mayor, Rob Nelson, has office hours at City Hall (101 South Blvd., Baraboo, WI 53913) most days of the week. He can be contacted at (608) 355-2715 x 7327. Although appointments are not necessary, because of frequent attendance at meetings, if you can, please call ahead. The Mayor's assistant can be reached at 355-7322 to schedule an appointment for you.

How do I go about obtaining a copy of a record from a City Department.  
All records of the City are presumed by law to be public records and available for inspection and copying by the public with certain exceptions. You should contact the department that is the custodian of the record to obtain a copy. Generally, a fee of $.25 per page is charged for copies. If you are not sure what City department is custodian of the record, contact the City Clerk, Brenda Zeman, at (608) 355-2700 x 7311, 101 South Blvd., Baraboo, WI 53913 for assistance.

How is the City's website maintained?
Each department is responsible for maintaining and updating their portion of the website.

Is West Baraboo part of the City of Baraboo?
West Baraboo is a Village. Baraboo is a City. They are separate entities. The Village can be contacted at (608) 356-2516.