Parent / Child Activities

Preschool Open Gym

 As the weather turns cooler, we have the solution for cabin fever!  Our open gym program provides a fun, safe place for kids to interact and burn off some winter energy. Various games, mats and gym equipment are available for use. Parental supervision is required at all times. This is a drop-in program no pre-registration required.

Ages:   5 years and under

Fees:   $2 per child per visit or

$25 for a punch card (18 uses)

Program Location:  Civic Center Gym

Program Meets: 9-11am  Tuesdays & Thursdays

November 10,  2022 thru March 30, 2023.

 Will not meet 11/24/22, 12/27/22, 12/29/22, 2/9/23 and 2/21/23. Dates are subject to change based on gym availability.