General Information

Where are you located?  The Community Development Authority (CDA) offices are located at City Hall, 101 South Blvd. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

How many apartments does CDA have? Donahue Terrace is comprised of 61 one-bedroom apartments located on 7 floors.  The apartments are approximately 650 square feet.  Corson Square has 50 units, 40 are located at 920 Tenth Street, and are comprised of 35 one-bedroom units and 5 two-bedroom units.  The remaining 10 units are located in 5 duplexes located at 1015-1017 Ninth Street, 1119-1121 Washington Street, 1018-1020 Tenth Street and 1026-1028 Tenth Street.  Duplexes range from 2 bedrooms to 4 bedrooms. 

How much rent will I pay? Rents are based on 30% of adjusted household income.
Families and Seniors receive automatic income deductions set by HUD.

  • The CDA provides all basic utilities at Donahue Terrace Apartments.
  • Residents of all Corson Square Apartments are responsible for paying all utilities except for water, and seniors are eligible for a monthly utility allowance.
  • All apartment units have free access to approximately 50 channels of Direct TV.
  • Corson Square family duplex residents are responsible for paying all utilities including cable TV, and all duplexes are eligible for a monthly utility allowance.

What are the income limits for the programs administered by the CDA?  Call the Community Development Authority for complete details.  The limits are set by HUD and are revised each year, usually in January or February.  The limits are based on certain percentages of Sauk county Median Income. 

 Block Grant Programs

What is the Block Grant program for housing rehabilitation? Income eligible (those at 80% of county median income or below) residents of the City of Baraboo can borrow up to $35,000.00 to complete those renovations.  The loans are interest free and are repaid upon sale of house or when the applicant no longer occupies the residence.  Loans to home buyers for assistance with down payments are also available.  Several landlord programs are available and information can be obtained from CDA staff at 608-356-4822.

What is the Block Grant program for Economic Development? The program allows existing businesses to expand and also provides entrepreneurial applicants with funds to start new businesses.  Interest rates are 4-5% and are determined by the applicant.  The CDA will not finance more than 50% of a project.  Contact Patrick Cannon at 608-356-4822 for more information. 

 How Do I Qualify

How do I qualify for housing in Community Development owned housing complexes? Applicants for both complexes must be income eligible.  The income limits are set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  Residents of Donahue Terrace must have incomes at or below 80% of Sauk County median income.  Residents of Corson Square must have incomes at or below 50% of median income, although some exceptions can be given to residents at or below 80%.  Application forms are available on this website under Forms.  The application process begins with a criminal record check through the on line service of the Wisconsin Department of Justice and is processed upon receipt of the completed application.  Forms are provided to both landlord and personal references for completions as part of the process.  Applicants will be placed on the waiting list or notified of denial when the process is completed.