Reserve Parks, Shelters & Fees
Shelter reservations are handled at the Parks and Recreation Office located at the Baraboo Civic Center, 124 2nd Street, Room 17. Reservations are taken on a first come first serve basis for up to 1 Year in advance of the current date. We DO NOT reserve shelters over the phone. A completed reservation form and proper payment are required to confirm a reservation. Reservations can be done in person or via mail.
Current Fee Schedule
Are there any regulations for using park facilities?
To help keep the park and recreation experiences healthy and enjoyable, regulations have been drafted by the Baraboo Parks and Recreation Commission and enacted into law by the Common Council of the City of Baraboo. The following regulations are important for park users to follow for their safety and the preservation of our parks.
* Pets are not allowed on park property, with the exception of the Baraboo Riverwalk, The Baraboo Dog Park, Deppe Recreation Area and dogs assisting the physically challenged.
*Alcoholic beverages are allowed in the park but, must be served in cans, paper products or some other non-breakable container.
*Glass containers, firearms or fireworks are not allowed on any park property.
*Trash must be disposed of in the proper waste receptacles.
*Fires are allowed in grills or fireplaces only.
*Tents, volleyball, canopy or any types of stakes are not permitted on the grounds without prior approval.
*Park Hours are 7am-9pm May thru October and 7am-7pm November thru April.