How does winter alternate side parking work?
Alternate side parking is in effect from October 1st through April 15th from midnight to 3PM. Vehicles must park on the odd numbered side of the street on odd numbered dates and the even side of the street during even numbered dates. The date is determined as of 1:00 a.m.
These rules do not apply where parking is prohibited on one side of the street or near churches and funeral homes during the times of services.
Where can I pay a Parking Ticket?
Parking Tickets can be paid to the Treasurer's Office at City Hall, 101 South Blvd. located in the same building as the Police Department. Office hours are 7:30am to 4:30pm. Please park in the upper parking lot on Lynn Street and use the main entrance. After hours payments can be made in the 24-hour drop box located on the southeast corner of the building located in the upper parking lot. We also have a Drive up window or you can pay online at
Where can I pay a Traffic Citation?
If the ticket occurred in Baraboo, you can pay at the Sauk County Clerk of Courts' Office, 515 Oak Street, Baraboo, WI 53913 (Courthouse on Square). If you are unable to pay the ticket, have questions, or cannot make a court date, please call the Clerk of Courts' Office at (608)355-3287.
How can I contact "Crimestoppers" with a tip?
How can I get involved or start a "Neighborhood Watch" Program?
Contact Detective Sergeant Jeff Shimon for information and reference materials at 355-2720.
If I sell my vehicle, what do I do with the license plates?
Never sell your vehicle with your license plates on it! Remove the license plates immediately and maintain a record of who you sold your vehicle to including name, address and phone.
What is a Vacation Home Check and how do I sign up?
A "Vacation Home Check" allows our department to know the dates and times you are away from home and we can periodically check your residence. Simply stop into the Baraboo Police Department and complete a Vacation Home Check Card previous to your departure.
What is the "TRIAD" Program and how do I get involved?
Triad is Seniors, Police and Sheriff's Departments working together to prevent crime to senior citizens. Free cell phones, Free winter vehicle inspections and fraud prevention education are but a few of the programs we offer. Speak with our resident TRIAD expert, Detective Sergeant Jeff Shimon at 355-2720 for more information.
Where can I obtain a temporary license plate for my vehicle?
Sauk County Sheriff's Department
1300 Lange Court, Baraboo