Treasurer FAQS


 Where/When to Make Payments

The Treasurer's office is located at City Hall, 101 South Blvd.  The office is open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. Night Deposit box, for after hour payments, is located on the southeast corner of the building, next to the drive up window.  Payments can also be mailed to 101 South Blvd., Baraboo, WI 53913.

Types of Payment -The City Treasurer's office accepts debit/credit cards for most payments (small convenience fee does apply).  In person payments can be made by cash, check or card.  Some payments can be processed online or by phone with a credit/debit card for a fee. Utility bills and taxes can be paid online for FREE with electronic check information.

NSF checks -Check returned "NSF" or "Account Closed" will impose a $25.00 returned check fee.  The balance due with the service charge should be paid with cash or money order. 

Parking Tickets -Parking tickets are paid at the City Hall counter or drive up window, they can be mailed, dropped in the Night Deposit box, or paid online with a debit/credit card for a fee.


Register Pets -You can register your pets in person at the City Hall (must come inside) located at 101 South Boulevard or you can request them by mail. If you request licenses by mail, it is required to send a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request so the tag and registration can be mailed back.  

Number of Pets Allowed-City ordinance limits each household to three adult dogs and three adult cats, and no more than a combined total of 4 adult animals in a household .  Click here to review ordinance

License Renewal -Dog and Cat licenses are issued for the calendar year.  They expire December 31 of each year and should be renewed by December 31 or shortly thereafter.  A late fee of $5.00 is imposed if renewed after March 31.

Rabies Vaccinations -
Proof of rabies vaccination is required for initial license and must remain current each time license is renewed.  If your pet has been given a 3-year rabies shot and it’s still good at the time you apply for the next year’s license, you only need to pay the fee for the license.

Spayed or Neutered Dog............15.00
Spayed or Neutered Cat.............15.00
Late fee (Renewed after March 31)......5.00

Pet License Form

New Pets -Information needed to obtain initial license: Owner's name, city's address, pet name, breed, color, sex, vet name, rabies date, manufacturer, serial number, expiration. New Pet Form

Puppies and Kittens -All pets more than 5 months of age must be licensed.  As soon as your pet receives the rabies vaccination, bring the vet's certification to the Treasurer's office to obtain a license.

Spay or Neuter -If you are planning to have your pet spayed or neutered at the time you obtain your license, bring proof of appointment from your veterinarian and we will license as such. 

Acquiring a pet from another County -You have 30 days after acquiring the pet to have it licensed.

 Property Taxes

Due Dates - Real Estate taxes are due either in half or in full by January 31st for the previous year; the first installment is payable to the City Treasurer by January 31, the second installment is due by July 31 to the County Treasurer.  

Delinquent Real Estate Taxes - If at least the first installment is not made by January 31st, the remainder of entire bill becomes due and payable to the County Treasurer.  Interest penalty of 1-1/2% (18% APR) on the total remaining balance accrues starting February 1st.  All payments made after January 31st are made to the County Treasurer.

Personal Property Taxes -Personal property taxes are a tax imposed on the value of commercial and industrial machinery and equipment.  It is due in full by January 31st to the City Treasurer.  Personal property payments are made payable to the City Treasurer.

Mill Rates -Mill rates are established by the first week in December.  See the City Financial page for past & present City of Baraboo Mill Rates.

Lottery Credit -
Property that is determined to be a primary residence on January 1st of the tax year is eligible for a Wisconsin lottery credit.  Rental property and second homes are not eligible.  Claim your credit with the City Treasurer by the January 31 payment date, if you did not receive one and should have.  Also, inform the City Treasurer if you received a credit and should not have.  The State does audit for ineligible lottery credits.

Assessments -Property assessments are established by the Assessor's office.  The value of the property is determined as of January 1st for that year's tax bill.  You will receive a notice of assessment only if your property value has changed from the previous year.  Notices are typically sent in May.  If you have an objection to your assessment, you may state your objection prior to the Board of Review, typically schedule in July or August. 

Getting Information -Property tax amounts are available on the County website, as soon as tax bills are processed (usually by the 15th of December).  Payment status can be obtained the first week in February after 1st installments are done being collected.  Delinquent tax information is also available on the website.  Duplicate receipts should be obtained from the office that collected the payment.  Copies of property tax bills can be printed from the County's website. 

 Other Questions

Bid Assessments - The City of Baraboo has a BID district in it's downtown area.  Bid Assessments are billed in January and are due by September 1st of each calendar year.  Payments not made by the due date will be added to the property tax bill. 

Water Payments - Water payments are due on the 20th day of the month following the end of each quarter.
Bills are mailed the first of January, April, July and October.