Make Payments to the City of Baraboo Online
Welcome to the Treasurer's website. Here you will find answers to questions regarding how, when, and where to pay for various permits, licenses, taxes, etc. We will be happy to help find the correct person or department for other inquiries, also!
Welcome to the Treasurer's website. Here you will find answers to questions regarding how, when, and where to pay for various permits, licenses, taxes, etc. We will be happy to help find the correct person or department for other inquiries, also!
Mission Statement: to provide quality service to the citizens of Baraboo in an honest, helpful and courteous manner; to seek investments for city monies that are safe, secure and reliable with the highest rate of return possible; and to carry out the Treasurer's duties according to law for the betterment of the city. The Treasurer's office is responsible for collecting real estate and personal property taxes; fees for various licenses and permits issued by other departments; mobile home and room taxes; special assessment charges; quarterly water/sewer billings, and BID assessments.
In addition to the usual business you might have with this office, we will be happy to answer any other questions that may arise involving city business or direct you to someone who can. Please feel free to e-mail or call any time.
In addition to the usual business you might have with this office, we will be happy to answer any other questions that may arise involving city business or direct you to someone who can. Please feel free to e-mail or call any time.
Property Assessments in a Declining Market - link to the State of Wisconsin, Dept. of Revenue's most often asked questions.